Some people don’t believe me, why they don’t believe me I don't know.
Some people don’t believe me, why they don’t believe me I don't know.

Everyone wants to be liked. But why is it that some people seem like friend magnets and others, not so much? We human beings are, like most other creatures, highly social animals. We have to interact with large numbers of people on a daily basis. The key to this interaction is keeping good relations, which is made a lot easier if those involved manage to get along well. But sometimes, and often for no apparent reason, people do dislike each other. If you've identified that somebody doesn’t like you, then it’s important to stay in mind that it's going to not be right down to you alone. Sometimes, people have quite irrational dislikes based upon their own weaknesses and low self-esteem. However, if you’ve identified that a variety of individuals seem to dislike you and in tellingly similar ways, then it's going to be time to try to do a touch self-assessment on your interaction skills. But you don’t need to. they will doubt you all they need. The game-changer is to believe in yourself even if they refuse to believe you. The reason people refuse to believe you are thanks to the very fact that they don’t see what you see. They don’t have the type of vision you've got. But the method of overcoming this hurdle changes everything. Sometimes, people have quite irrational dislikes based upon their own weaknesses and prejudices. Here I describe some points within the direction of looking to yourself for why people don’t believe me, and therefore the second some tips describe situations where it's going to be the opposite person’s issue that they dislike me, placing the blame in their court. Read the article to seek out why people don’t like me.
Reasons people don’t believe me – not my problem
Independent matters
Someone dislikes me because I won’t tow their conversational line. It’s good to possess my very own mind, and not responding to their controlling ways isn't my problem.
That’s all it takes for a few people to dislike me. But hey, why do you have to apologize for the diligence you’ve done that’s led you to where you're now?
Maybe it’s due to what I do or how you look, but people’s preconceptions about me aren't my issue. Maybe they ought to get to understand you initially before judging me.
In all honesty
Some people don’t like being called out for his or her bad behavior, and if you’re someone who can’t stand by and watch when someone is acting up, then this might be why they don’t like you. Again, this is often their issue.
You have them and a few people don’t like that. Especially once they are different from their own. Our advice: ditch the control freaks and spend some time with people that can handle a true conversation, differences aside.
Nothing makes a miser look worse than someone else’s generosity. Don’t be ashamed of being the higher person.
Bigotry. Racism, culturalism
whatever the prejudice, don’t even waste some time trying to speak this person around. They plainly aren’t worthwhile.
Attention seekers
It’s sad, but some people are so desperately lacking in anything that the sole way they will get attention is to be serial haters. Social media is filled with these types—disgraceful individuals who should be cut adrift at the earliest opportunity. It’s not always your fault if someone doesn’t such as you, but if you've got an inkling that you simply might not be so popular, take a while to self-reflect and choose whether or not there are some belongings you could change to unravel the matter. You have to pay closer attention to the journey ahead if you would like to maneuver forward. You need to possess the determination to stay going no matter what the “others” are thinking and saying about you.
Speak your truth
You start to mention more often what you think, even when that's different from the opinions of others. You become braver and dare to stay up for yourself, even when the reactions are sometimes strong. Maybe you'll feel supported during this by what Mahatma Gandhi said: “When you're right, and you recognize that you simply are, say what you've got to mention. albeit you're the sole one, the reality remains the reality.
I believe in myself even if no one else does:
It will be a struggle to beat this, one that you simply may face for your whole life. The simplest thing I always attempt to do is stop seeking others' approval and validation of your intentions. It's time to draw the road between what I decide to do, what I can do, and what others believe I can do. At the end of the day the sole things that matter are what you really do and the way you are feeling about it. One complication is that the disapproval and disbelief you perceive could be a projection. It's impossible to understand what somebody else is basically thinking. One way you'll affect people that doubt you are to concentrate and choose for yourself whether what they assert is accurate. you'll learn tons from the rare few who can explain their concerns reasonably and compassionately. If you manage to seek out one, this person could be an excellent mentor. Constructive criticism helps you grow and improve. I don’t wish to argue with stupid, and that I can't win against selfishness. I always stay faithful myself and continue my merry way. This is a very difficult question because you’re handling two things here. the primary is people’s own belief system, and therefore the second is their perceptions of you, and whether or not those perceptions are in line or not with their beliefs.
Final Thought
Believe yourself, and believe you do not need them to believe you. you do not have to prove yourself to them, just continue together with your life and reach for your dreams, you'll eventually find people that will believe you. But you've got to start out with yourself.