Friendship (or) Money which is more important in your life?
Friendship (or) Money which is important in your life

Friendship is just an amazing relationship in the world. The fun, love, happiness, craziness that we enjoy in a friendship that money can't buy. This happiness is not available in any market and in big malls which we can purchase. Friendship and money, two different things which cannot be compared. Money is needed for basic needs. But excessive greediness towards money is also very bad for us. But for living a blissful life, relationships also have a great role in our life. Among other relationships, friendship is such an incredible relationship for all of us.
I must say friendship is most precious in everyone's life. We can’t buy a good and honest relationship with money. So obviously friendship is more valuable than money. So in this context let me say that friendship is more valuable and we can’t compare it with money.
A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit
A true friend is a person who is always with you, no matter what the situation:
Friends are important for everyone’s life. They make our life worth living and joyful. True buddies are certainly the maximum treasured asset someone can have. True buddies may be defined as a diamond withinside the rough. Friends like the ones come up with desire and happiness and joy. When you're feeling sad, you could anticipate your buddies to assist you. There is an unbreakable bond among proper buddies with a view to remaining till death.
You need to understand that both money and friends are needed because Money provides for your material needs and friends provide for everything else. So there must be a delicate balance between these two. Friends are called our true guides. Friends pay attention to us, recognize us, and provide their recommendations whenever they feel us in trouble.
They are the real well-wishers and guide us to the right path. We all experience low every so often because of our insecurities and self-doubts. True pals feel this and attempt to elevate our sunken spirits. Friends are a supply of our energy all through our vulnerable times. They deliver us a shoulder to cry on whilst we want it the most. We can open up to all our weaknesses and insecurities with no hesitation.
True pals display us in the mirror. With their sincere opinions, they accurately us whenever we fall astray. We usually want a sincere fact to take a look at to hold a real self-image. Friends can spoil our loneliness. Friendship is such a pure relation that depends on trust and free from any condition. Really it is One of the most selfless relations in the world.
But today it's very rare to find an honest friend, who will give you lifetime support:
Friends are vital relations among other relationships in life. they create life value living. True friends are so the foremost precious quality an individual will have. Friends at the Family we decide for Ourselves the foremost necessary folks during a person’s life are said as his ‘kith and kin’, i.e., the buddies and also the family. when family, friends at the ‘Guardian Angels’. Friends typically develop sturdy bonds of affection and trust a bit like siblings.
I would like to tell you one thing that makes few friends in your life, but give them lifetime support and value each other. One thing you should remember if someone is trying to hurt you or doesn't want to lift you to your career. Just get rid of that kind of friend. But don’t hurt them back and pray for their well-being. Because no matter what, maintain your true friendship.
One more suggestion, Be your own good friend because the friend that is hidden within you is the truest one. Your inner self is the honest one and lifetime supporter. This opinion may be philosophical for you, But it is true. You are unique and different, no one is there like you. Constantly motivate yourself and don't be demoralized by other people's words. Everything is within you. Just try to bring the best version of yourself.
Money is a tool for survival but it can’t be compared with friendship:
Money is crucial because it offers your wishes and wants. Money is the end result of operating difficult in an organization or in the back of a desk. So the incentive for lots of humans to paint is money. Money offers a feeling of safety for you, your own circle of relatives and in case you control to keep sufficient money, it could be utilized by your destiny generations.
Friends are those that are living in that tight internal circle who see us and all of our parts. The character who is your excellent friend. In your worst time, he/she will always be by your side where money can’t give support by standing by your side. Yes, we can say money can be a temporary asset but it can't give you emotional support in your worst times. He/She is there for you to support.,to cheer you on, to send out loving vibes when there is just a sense that they are needed. Words are often not needed. These things can not be purchased through money. Don't ever compare your friendship with money.
Final Words
Friendship is the most beautiful relationship ever. I want to say to today's generation that be true to your friends and try to be honest to maintain your relationship. Try to be each other's inspiration and stand up in every up and down in each other’s life. Don't get jealous if someone is improving or doing something better than you. Support them and let them do the best. This is the best humility. Stop comparing and start motivating and supporting each other to help each other in a lifetime. This is the meaning of true friendship. Stay Cheerful and Keep Supporting Your Friends. All the best to all of you.