Today's Generation accept negativity rather than positivity
Today's Generation accept negativity rather than positivity

It's the general tendency of humans to prioritize negative over positive news. But why shouldn’t we try to focus on positivity? Some psychologists suggest that humans may be neurologically or physiologically predisposed towards focusing on negative information because the potential costs of negative information far outweigh the
potential benefits of positive information. Both good and evil things are there in our society. But It’s our choice, which should we focus on more on.
We are such a lucky generation that we are getting the advantages of the advancement of science and technology. We have many more opportunities to show our talent and creativity by using it. Am I right? Our country is very rich in terms of cultural and moral values and principles. As an advanced generation, it’s our duty to treasure our values, moralities, principles, etc.
We all have such innovative minds. But why shouldn’t we try to invest it in a positive way? Do you agree? It’s our duty to bring change in society and to make our country more developed and more prosperous. So in this write-up, let me briefly analyze how we can focus on more positivity rather than negativity to make our generation more productive and dynamic.
Why does today’s generation pay more attention to negative news?
It is general to prioritize negative information because the potential costs of negative information far outweigh the potential benefits of positive information. But we can decide which will be the best for us. The human brain is easily distracted by focusing on negative information.
.Indeed, physiologically proved that positive thinking is very good for both our mental and physical wellbeing. But why do we have more interest in negative news? We all want to live our lives happily. But we need to bring any changes and to make them understand about the harmful impact on children.I t t's especially the r ole of parents and teachers to make them understand the bad impacts because they are the real moderators. Do you try to bring any change? You must have to ask yourself what is in yourself that attracts accidents and negative outcomes. Is it your negative thinking?
Ask Question yourself About Negativity?
You would need to ask yourself these questions. Why do I give more focus to the negativity in my life? Am I suffering for my own negative thoughts? Does anger or other strong emotion feel good, the sole thing that makes me feel alive? Why shouldn't I attempt to change myself? Does my pain allows me to avoid things in life I might rather not face, or prefer to ignore? By asking this kind of question you can understand the difference between positive and negative impacts in your life.
It is our responsibility to bring Change for Today’s Generation
It’s the duty of everyone in our country to remain positive and make others positive too. Everyone has unique qualities. Instead of blaming each other, we need to cooperate and try to draw positivity within ourselves. Everything will change when we try to change ourselves and to protect our generation. Keep a positive spirit so that you can fight to stop corruption and spreading negativity in our society.
The most important thing is That the role of a parent has played a significant role in the development of a man’s future. And it should be the foremost responsibility of them to try to encourage and moderate their children to do their best and make them understand to focus on good things. Stop comparing them with others, because It may have a negative impact on their future. So be aware and take a vital role to build a good generation. Teach them how they will meet the new challenges by approaching new trich instead of focusing on traditional mindset.
How to deal with negativity around you
Yes, we can’t stop everyone by spreading negativity. But we have the ability to turn the negative situation into a positive one. You must ask yourself what is in yourself that attracts negative results? Is it your negativity bias? Consider changing your friends who are filled with negativity to those filled with positivity! Those friends who display nothing but strong and unsightly emotions and behaviors are dragging you down! we frequently cannot avoid our family, as easily as we will avoid others. If your family features a negative bias, learn the art of smiling once they attempt to draw you into their bad energy. don't respond nor feed into their negativity.
Keep smiling sort of a Cheshire cat albeit you are feeling your own strong emotions welling up inside you. See what happens once you refuse to hold their pain! Or try saying something positive in response! Change the topic. Excuse yourself politely if you discover you can't control your own bad feelings otherwise you cannot control the atmosphere. Some persons simply cannot have a conversation unless it's to complain about something. Simply state “I got to attend the toilet.” If you're at work say, “I am sorry, I want to hurry to a meeting in 5 minutes.” Create something to make a case for yourself politely before you say something or do something you'll regret later.
Final words
I would like to share one thing with all that we all are able to bring change to our society and create a peaceful society. We all have the potential to innovate many things to contribute to our country. So take a vow to focus on positivity which will be beneficial for your personal and professional growth. Keep your approach good to turn any negative situation into a positive one and try to find a solution to every problem. Invest your energy in the right way for the betterment of humanity. Focus On Positivity and Do Positive Things.